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Challney High School

Personal Development Curriculum

As a curriculum area, the Personal Development Curriculum is designed to help students gain the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to lead healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active and responsible citizens.

All our students are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of the school and the wider community.  In doing so, students learn to recognise their own worth, develop a sense of their own identity and the ability to take their place in the community as well as respect and work with others.  Students are encouraged to reflect on their experiences and to recognise how they are developing personally and socially, addressing the spiritual, social, moral and cultural issues that form an intrinsic part of growing up.

 The three main strands of PDC are:

  1. Health and Well-being
  2. Relationships
  3. Living in the Wider World

PDC applies to all areas of the curriculum. The knowledge that students gain will allow them to have better self-esteem and interpersonal relationships. Students will find that it can enhance their ability to study and so, achieve.

DfE Statutory PSHE guidelines

All schools have to meet statutory requirements for the teaching of PSHE at each key stage. At CHSG, sex education is taught through the Science National Curriculum and not in our PDC lessons. Please click here for a link to the DfE statutory requirements for Relationships and Sex Education.

We also have a Google Site where you can see our PDC resources for the different lessons we teach. This will be updated annually, so parents and carers can see the resources we use with students.

Our RSE policy can be viewed here

Overview of PDC Years 7-11 2023-2034

 Autumn Term

 PDC Autumn Term Curriculum

Spring Term

PDC Spring Term Curriculum

Summer Term

PDC Summer Term Curriculum