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Challney High School

House System

House System

Our four houses are named after influential women. In each year group, two form groups represent each House and we have ties to match the House colours. Form tutors are in the same House as their form group. Each house elects a House Captain and Vice-Captain for the year as well as a number of Year Representatives. These positions are highly coveted with students, demonstrating and developing their leadership skills by promoting house competitions and leading House Assemblies. As part of our school social action each House also nominates a house charity and supports this for the year.

Numerous competitions are contested across the year with a very broad range of foci, with the aim that everyone can find something that interests them, whether it be in the sporting, physical, artistic or academic sphere. The House competitions conclude with Sports Day when the entire school community descends on the field to enthusiastically support their house athletes. At the end of the year the victorious team has the honour and prestige of being awarded the House Cup which they retain until the following Summer.

Our Houses

Our Houses