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Challney High School

Religious Education

RE Curriculum Intent

Violation of religious freedom does not count as freedom of expression

Our students learn about the great world religions and engage with non-religious world views through a curriculum design that ensures a broad understanding of all major world faiths. Supported through structured learning of the 3 B’s. Beliefs, Behavioural practices and Big Questions, which investigate key concepts of all religions.

Through discussion and insightful questioning, free expression is promoted within Religious Education. Students acquire skills to think critically, develop perspective on the importance of religious practices, symbolism, evaluating moral, cultural and religious issues in order to engender tolerance and promote British Values.

Our students leave with a new appreciation and breadth of awareness that prepares them to grow as responsible citizens of a multi-faith Britain and the diversity they will encounter as adults.

RE Curriculum Overview – KS3

Year 7

Term 1: Hinduism

Term 2: Buddhism

Term 3: Sikhism

  1. Introduction to Hinduism
  2. Life events
  3. The Caste system
  4. Hindu holy books
  5. Hindu gods
  6. Ganesh
  7. Hindu worship
  8. Hindu biography project
  1. The early life of the Buddha
  2. The Buddha’s teachings
  3. The Eightfold Path
  4. Being a monk
  5. Buddhist Temples 
  6. Life after death
  7. Meditation
  8. Project – Monk Life
    1. Introduction to Sikhism
    2. The Guru Granth Sahib
    3. Sikhism - The unity of Being
    4. The Gurdwara
    5. Vaisakhi
    6. The Khalsa
    7. Festivals
    8. Sikhism and Family Life 
    9. Sikhism and Human rights
    10. Sikhism and Science 
  • Evaluative study and reflection

Evaluative Study -” Big Question”

“What happens when we die?”

“What difference does it make if you believe in life after death?”

Year 8

Term 1: Christianity

Term 2: Islam

Term 3: Judaism

  1. Introduction to Christianity
  2. Who was Jesus?
  3.  The Bible
  4. Jesus and his miracles
  5. The Trinity
  6. Christian Denominations
  7. Christian Festivals
  8. Stewardship and Dominion 
  9. Science and Creation
  10. Christian views on Human Rights 
  11. The Nativity 
  1. Introduction to Islam
  2. Prophet Muhammed
  3. The 5 Pillars
  4. Hajj
  5. Celebrations
  6. Muslim beliefs on war and peace
  7. Divisions in Islam
  8. The mosque
  9. Islam summary
  1. Introduction to Judaism
  2. Introduction to the Exodus story
  3. Moses and leadership
  4. The 10 Commandments
  5. The Sabbath
  6. Food laws
  7. Jewish Birth Ceremonies 
  8. The Synagogue
  9. Jewish Festivals 
  10. Stories – Covenant 
  11. Conflict 

Evaluative Study -” Big Question”

“How can people express religion through the arts?"

 RE Curriculum Overview – KS4

Year 9 

Term 1: Bridging unit

Term 2: Crime and punishment 

Term 3: Peace and Conflict 

  1. Introduction of exam specification
  2. Introduction of Kerboodle
  3. 4 and 5, mark Exam Skills 
  4. Who were the 12 apostles? 
  5. How to use the Bible
  6. Beatitudes 
  7. Christian Denominations 
  8. Prophets of Islam
  9. Differences between Sunni and Shia Islam - Project

  1. Crime and punishment
  2. Reasons for crime
  3. Christian attitudes to lawbreakers and different types of crime
  4. Three aims of punishment
  5. Christian attitudes to suffering and causing suffering to others
  6. Christian attitudes to the treatment of criminals – Prison, corporal punishment and community service
  7. Christian attitudes to forgiveness
  8. Christian attitudes to the death penalty
  1. Introduction to religion, peace and conflict
  2. Violent protest and terrorism
  3. Reasons for war
  4. Nuclear war and weapons of mass destruction
  5. The just war
  6. Holy war and religion as a cause of violence
  7. Pacifism and peace making
  8. Religious responses to victims of war


Year 10

Term 1: Islam Beliefs and Teachings

Term 1 & 2: Islam Practices

Term 2: Human Rights and Social Justice 

  1. The Oneness of God and the supremacy of God’s Will
  2. Key beliefs of Sunni Islam and Shi’a Islam
  3. The nature of God
  4. Angels 
  5. Predestination
  6. Life after Death
  7. Prophethood and Adam
  8. Ibrahim
  9. Muhammad and the Imamate
  10. The Holy books in Islam

PPE 1 – Paper 1

  1. The Five Pillars, The Ten Obligatory acts and the Shahadah
  2. Salah: The daily prayers Part 1
  3. Salah: The daily prayers, Part 2
  4. Sawm: Fasting During Ramadan
  5. Zakah: Almsgiving
  6. Hajj: Pilgrimage Part 1
  7. Hajj: Pilgrimage Part 2
  8. Jihad
  9. The festivals of Id-ul-Fitr and Id-ul-Adha
  10. The festival of Ashura
  1. Social injustice and human rights
  2. Prejudice and discrimination
  3. Religious freedom
  4. Prejudice and discrimination – disability and race
  5. Christian teachings about wealth
  6. Poverty and its causes
  7. Exploitation of the poor
  8. Giving money to the poor

Year 10

Term 3: Religion and Life 

  1. The origins of the universe
  2. The value of the world
  3. The use and abuse of the environment
  4. Pollution
  5. The use and abuse of animals
  6. The origins of human life
  7. Abortion
  8. Euthanasia
  9. Death and the afterlife

Year 11

Term 1: Christianity Beliefs and Teachings

Term 1 & 2: Christianity Practices

  1. The nature of God
  2. God as omnipotent, loving and just
  3. The oneness of God and the Trinity
  4. Christian beliefs about creation
  5. The incarnation and Jesus, the Son of God
  6. Crucifixion 
  7. The Resurrection and Ascension
  8. Resurrection and life after death
  9. The afterlife and judgement
  10. Heaven and Hell
  11. Sin and Salvation
  12. The role of Christ in Salvation
  1. Worship
  2. Prayer
  3. The Sacraments: Baptism
  4. The Sacraments: Communion
  5. Celebrating Holy Communion
  6. Pilgrimage
  7. Celebrating Festivals
  8. The role of the Church in the local community, Part 1
  9. The role of the Church in the local community, Part 2
  10. The place of mission and evangelism
  11. Church growth
  12. The importance of the worldwide Church
  13. Church persecution
  14. The Churches response to world poverty

Exam Board: AQA Specification A

Paper 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teaching and practices

  • Islam and Christianity 

Paper 2: Thematic Studies: Four religious, philosophical and ethical studies.  

  • Theme B - Religion and life
  • Theme D - Religion, peace and conflict
  • Theme E - Religion, crime and punishment
  • Theme F – Human Rights and Social Justice

Useful Links KS3

https://request.org.uk/resource/- (video clips to explore the Christian faith)

https://senecalearning.com/en-GB/blog/gcse-revision/ - Seneca 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGxVWDLO87I – Muhammad The Last Prophet

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-t4wwkFhpCU – Jesus He Lived Among Us

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4bSfKcWfAQ&t=1037s – Moses & 10 Commandments 

Useful Links KS4

https://request.org.uk/resource/- (video clips to explore the Christian faith)

https://www.gcsepod.com/students/ - GCSE Pod

https://senecalearning.com/en-GB/blog/gcse-revision/ - Seneca 

https://www.kerboodle.com/users/login - Kerboodle